Environmental Impact Statements
Vollmuth & Brush has prepared and reviewed Environmental Impact Statements for a number of projects in the metropolitan area. While it is our practice to design site plans and subdivisions based on environmentally sound concepts, there are conditions which result in agencies requesting Environmental Impact Statement preparation. Vollmuth & Brush has prepared Impact Statements for projects which the firm has designed and for projects designed by other professionals. Vollmuth & Brush has a full understanding of the engineering requirements of construction impacts. The Firm is able to suggest mitigation methods within the scope of an Impact Statement the reduce impacts and can be implemented by the builder, owner or applicant at a reasonable cost.
Vollmuth & Brush is associated with a number of firms which provide subcontracting services such as traffic, archeological and economic feasibility studies. Vollmuth & Brush takes on the responsibility of retaining and managing the consultants and their work product. Utilizing the information obtained from these professionals, Vollmuth & Brush prepares the discussion sections of the Impact Statement. We do not believe that Impact Statements which are simply an appendix of reports from the various professionals involved are in the best interest of the client. Our impact statements utilize the information provided by the professionals and present it in a format which complies with SEQR and is easily interpreted by the agencies and public.